Thursday, November 8, 2007

Item #17: Matchbox

A matchbox!! Still good and full. You never know when you might need one. A matchbox in the pocket is better than a lighter in the shop. Going cheap.
RM 1.15 (because its from paradise Hotel)


pitamos said...

Hey Neo,

I've got some stuff to sell. Among them...a Padini ladies' white collared shirt, a Ford Coupe Hot Wheels collectible... and I think got more. Haha.

Can help me publicize on your site? :p

-deborah from ACTS

weeliem said...

hey Deb!
nice of you to pop by:)
just send me pictures of your items. and state the price you're looking for:) then I would post it up. Just mail them to me if you can.
See you soon!